Monday, May 28, 2012

Blogging Silence

Sorry for the blogging silence, I've had the flu for the past few days and haven't been able to make myself take photos of my pale red nosed self.

I have two cool projects to show you so bear with me!
Here are a few clues:

I know this is all you'll be thinking about in the next few days.

The minute I can breathe without an inhaler I'll put an end to your misery and show you what I've been doing! (other than coughing)

Have a great week.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Diy Summer Maxi Dress

This is the first installment of the Monthly Pattern of Choice! I'm really excited about this. As to all the reader who voted - thank you so much for your input!

Lets make the Summer Night Stroll Dress!

This is my version!

 What you will need:

Fabric. I used about two yards, but you might need more if you're taller. Also, your fabric should have a stretch quality to it otherwise the drape won't be as nice.

Pins, scissors, matching thread, measuring tape and elastic.

I suggest using a plain bodice pattern, or maybe use a basic shirt pattern like this:

This is the Lydia pattern from Burdastyle. (obviously you don't need the sleeves for this tutorial)

I won't go into this now, but I really do believe every sewer should have a bodice that is made to their exact measurements. This making pattern drafting a lot more easier.

We're going to need to modify the pattern a bit to make it less fitted. If you're using a bodice pattern or any other pattern with pleats you can just ignore them.

Increase the armhole by two inches, decrease the shoulder by two inches, adjust the side curve to a straight line and shorten your pattern to about two inches underneath the waistline.
The blue pattern is the original pattern, the purple lines are the adjustments.

This is what the fabric looks like as oppose to the original pattern:

I do suggest making a new pattern rather than making the adjustments on the fabric. I made a new pattern as well, the image above is only for demonstration purposes.

This will be the top part of your dress.

Before we cut the bottom of the skirt let's take some measurements.
1) Your waistline circumference
2) The distance between your waist and the length of your skirt. (this essential will be the length of your skirt, so the length is completely up to you)

Cut a rectangle on the fold
1) The top of the rectangle will equal the circumference of your waist (as is it on the fold, the skirt will be twice the width of your waist)
2) The long part of the rectangle will equal the length of your skirt.

Stitch the long part of your rectangle thus creating a tube (this will later become your skirt)

Baste the top of the skirt with basting thread: (I used regular white thread, no judgement)

Pull the thread and gather the fabric to fit the width of the top pattern. (As you can see in the original picture of the dress, the bottom part of the dress is more gathered than the top, this is why we made the skirt wider than the top and gathered it before inserting an elastic)

Pin the bottom piece and the top right side together and stitch about an inch from the edge (depending on the width of you elastic).
Use this tutorial by the lovely Andrea from Four Square Walls to insert the elastic to the dress.(I used it!)

Now all that is left is to hem the neckhole, armholes and bottom hem and voilla! You're done!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Outfit of the Day

Wearing my new Summer Night Stroll Dress!

What do you think?

I'll be posting a tutorial on how to make it soon!

Sorry for the complete silence these last few days, I've been having terrible problems with my internet connection.

I wore this dress yesterday and ended up taking a shortcut next to a sports stadium. While trying to cross the street I realized everyone around me was dressed in red. It felt good to be part of a crowd. I tried to avoid the fact that I had no idea which team I was rooting for, though I assumed they guessed I wasn't heading for the soccer game, apparently a leopard jacket is not proper attire for a soccer game.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to fix your sewing machine

My worst nightmare is having my sewing machine stall in the middle of sewing a garment. It can get so frustrating! I always end up calling the store I bought my sewing machine (it's kind of like an old fashioned store that specializes in sewing machine. They always listen to my machine through the phone and tell me whats wrong with it, seriously, they're like sewing machine doctors with stethoscopes for ears.)

 In case you were wondering what a sewing machine looks like.

I encountered this ebook a few days ago and thought maybe it was a good idea to invest in a book that explains step by step ow to identify problems with your sewing machine.
What do you guys think? would you buy such a thing?
If your sewing machine doesn't sew like this:

You might want to try it yourself! click here!

Friday, May 4, 2012

80's Jacket

Is this beautiful or what?

your answer better not be or what.

I came across this jacket int the Etsy store PomPomClothing and I'm completely baffled by it! I mean if you think about it, this silhouette should be the most unflattering shape ever, but there's something about it (maybe the V shaped front?) that makes it incredibly feminine. You should check out the store, it has beautiful things!

I'm going to try and draft a pattern to this, as it's already sold. any thoughts? suggestions?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monthly Pattern of Choice #1

The time has come to decide what dress we're going to make!
Do you want it to be Summer Night Stroll Dress?

or maybe  Katniss' Dress from the Hunger Game
or even The Stella McCartney Dress

You must decide BEFORE May 15th.
How do you Vote? Join my mailing list by clicking here and you'll be able to chose which dress you like best!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Diy Maxi Dress

I love this dress by ModCloth, it's called "Summer Night Stroll Dress" I think it's so fitting! (and currently out-of-stock)

I know its simple, but I just find it perfect for fall in a no-leg-shaving-needed way and flattering to every body type (yes, I'm one of those people who believe even short people can wear maxi dresses).

Click here to choose a THIS DRESS for the "Monthly Pattern of Choice" and maybe we'll make the Summer Night Stroll Dress!
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